Sunday, June 6, 2010

The 48 Hour Finish Line

My official end time for Mother Reader's 48 Hour Book Challenge was 6:30 p.m. EST this evening. Even though 'life' got in the way today and seriously impacted my reading time, I stand at the finish line feeling pretty good about what I accomplished!  I was able to knock 4 more titles from the 2010-2011 Maine Student Book Award list off the TBR list and listen to 2 CDs of another.  My finished pile also includes two 2010 copyright titles and one older (but new to me) title.  Of course I can't neglect to mention the fun I had reading/commenting on other participants blogs!  All in all, not a bad first time out for this newbie! 

Here are my final totals:

Time started:  6:30 p.m. Friday
Time now: 7:44 p.m. Sunday  (Official end time was 6:30 p.m.)

Total pages read:  1,389 (listened to 2 CDs)
Time spent reading 19 hours

Time spent blogging/commenting: 4 hours 30 minutes

Total time spent on Challenge:  23 hours 30 minutes

Books read: Killer Pizza, The Chosen One, Each Little Bird That Sings, Alive in the Killing Fields, The Blue Shoe, The Birthday Ball, 2 CDs of The Indigo Notebook and 147 pages in A Nest for Celeste

It's been fun!  Thanks to those who stopped by to cheer me on!  I hope you will continue to visit!  And a huge thank you to Mother Reader for all the hard work you put in to hosting and making this Challenge a success!


  1. Congrats on completing the challenge :D

  2. Good for you! (and I will be stopping by to visit again--after all, we were both reading A Nest for Celeste on the same day)

  3. Great job! Are you planning reviews?

  4. You're welcome! Thanks for playing!

  5. What a great job you did - I can't imagine concentrating this much time, at the end of the school year, and with all of "life" pulling at you. Fantastic job! looking forward to some great reviews!
